We always try to make sure that prices displayed in our comparison are assigned to the correct regions. Does 18 Wheels of Steel Haulin' CD Key activate in my region?

If the price is still too high, create a price alert and receive an email notification when the 18 Wheels of Steel Haulin' price will drop to the price you specify. Check the price history of the game to determine how good the deal is in relation to historical offers. All prices already include discounts from vouchers to save you time and money. Huntmar aggregates game keys from over 30 webshops so you can find the best deals on PC/Xbox/Playstation/Nintendo games. Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce FX5700, ATI Radeon 9600, Intel GMA X3000 or better (requires TnL and Shader Model 2.18 Wheels of Steel Haulin' sale & discount - all in one place! Sound Card: 100% DirectX compatible card or onboard sound Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce FX5700, ATI Radeon 9600, Intel GMA X3000 or better (requires TnL and Shader Model 2.0 support) From the Big Apple to the Golden Gate, and over 30 major U.S.cities and Canada, you are large and in charge! Haul your heavy load all across this great land. Work hard and you could end up running the whole show. That fire in your belly is gonna take you straight to the top.Take risks, cash in and upgrade your rig. Split-second decisions to save time and money could leave you at the top of the heap or running on empty.

Choose from 15 rigs and trailers, haulin’ 45+ cargos including: Livestock, Automobiles,Timber Hazardous Waste and Milk » Get Haulin’! Haul asphalt through 40+ cities coast to coast across the United States and Canada Work hard and you might end up driving the whole show!

Take risks, cash in and upgrade your rig. That fire in your belly is gonna take you straight to the top. But, make too many wrong turns along the way and it could be a lost cause. Avoid the hazards and you’ll be hauling it in. You’re steering the whole operation, from choosing the trucks to hiring the drivers in your fleet. Do you have the juice to go from gearjammer to boss man in the trucking business? Climb in the can and find out! Life on the road is filled with obstacles.